Mirroring the Ecosystem — Infographics
Companies—Products Export Network
The network represents the connections between companies and the products they export. The companies depicted in the chart are the top 70 firms ranked by the number of employees, selected out of the 1 544 industrial manufacturing companies in Timiş county.
Products are clustered in sections according to the Harmonised System (HS) nomenclature, a classification system for commodities in international trade. It consists of over 5 000 commodity groups structured into 21 Sections (from I to XXI) and 97 chapters.
Purple identifies firms whose products are presented in the show, while green identifies the sections to which the exposed products belong. ‘No Data’ signifies that the company is not involved in either importing or exporting activities.
Companies—Countries Export Network
The network represents the interconnections between companies and their export destinations. The companies depicted in the chart are the top 70 firms ranked by the number of employees, selected out of the 1544 industrial manufacturing companies in Timiş county.
Orange lines symbolise geographical connections originating from Timişoara and directed toward export countries, while black lines connect a company to its export destinations. Firms whose products are presented in the show are highlighted with purple lines.
Timișoara’s Economic Portrait
This series of three charts give a broad economic overview of the Timişoara metropolitan area. They show the number of companies, their distribution among Timişoara’s metropolitan areas and how the employees and the turnover connected to those companies are spreaded among economic sectors and subsectors.

CCIR: Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României, aggregated by termene.ro
CCIR: Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României, Autoritatea Vamală română, aggregated by termene.ro
ITM Timisoara, Oficiul Naţional al Registrului Comerţului (ONRC) aggregated by listafirmelor.ro